FAQ about liver and pancreatic diseases

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  • How long is the recovery time after liver donation and transplantation?

    Most liver donors need hospitalisation for less than 1 week. The length of hospital stay after the transplant surgery for the recipient depends on how sick the patient was before the surgery and if any post operative complication was encountered. Commonly, most of the recipients with uncomplicated post-operative course get discharged by 10-14 days after surgery.

  • What is the quality of life after liver transplantation?

    The first three months following transplantation are the most difficult when the body is adjusting to the "new" liver and all the medications. By the time of discharge from the hospital patients are able to care for themselves, with some minor restrictions. Most patients can return to work rapidly: we have observed that people working on computers from home or attending the office have started working by 1-2 months and most by 3 to 6 months after a transplant. The patients having a more manual type of work take a bit longer to resume work. We usually recommend non rigorous exercises, walking,jogging and non strenous travel by as early as 1-2 months but rigourous execises and contact sports are to be avoided for atleast 1 year after the transplantation. Essentially we expect that people who undergo liver transplantation can and do go on to lead "normal" lives.

  • Will the original liver disease come back after a transplant?

    Will the original liver disease come back after a transplant?Most of the patients are cured of thier liver disease post liver transplantation. Rarely,certain liver diseases can reappear in the new liver but it is uncommon now after the new and efficient medications for the Hepatitis C. Some cancers can recur after the transplantation. In cases where there is a risk of recurrence, the transplant team will usually monitor these patients more closely for disease recurrence

  • Is liver donation and liver transplant surgery painful?

    Will the original liver disease come back after a transplant?Most of the patients are cured of thier liver disease post liver transplantation. Rarely,certain liver diseases can reappear in the new liver but it is uncommon now after the new and efficient medications for the Hepatitis C. Some cancers can recur after the transplantation. In cases where there is a risk of recurrence, the transplant team will usually monitor these patients more closely for disease recurrence.Is liver donation and liver transplant surgery painful?Strangely, the pain after liver transplant surgery is generally not as severe as with other abdominal surgeries. This could be because of high dose of steroid given during the transplant that causes generalised decrease in inflammatory process. In fact the liver donors more commonly complian of pain despite smaller incision than the recipients who have bigger incisions. However, nowadays with the use of techniques like epidural analgesia, TAP block and PCA ( patient controlled analgesia), severe /unbearable pain is uncommon in both the patients and donors.

  • Will I be able to have children after liver transplant?

    Many couples are able to have children after liver transplantation with minimal risk to the mother and baby. Women are advised to wait at least one year following transplantation before trying to conceive. Often, changes in medications are required. Women becoming pregnant will need to be closely followed by their obstetrician and the transplant team. Babies born to immunosuppressed mothers may have slightly lower birth weights than average, but are generally healthy.

  • How big is the scar after liver donation and liver transplantation?

    Previously , an incision called “ Mercedes Benz “ incision ( it lookd like the Benz's three line symbol) was used in the upper abdomen. Nowadays, with improvement in surgical expertise, we use a much smaller incision which looks like an reversed 'L' below the right side rib cage. The donor also get a similar but a smaller incision.

  • What is the success rate of liver transplantation?

    Liver transplant patients have excellent outcomes. Recipients have been known to live a normal life even after 30 years after the operation.

    According to the American data one-year patient survival is 87% for patients receiving a deceased donor liver and 92% an organ from a living donor. Five-year graft and patient survivals are about 67% and 75-80% respectively. The one year and five year patient success rate at Kovai Medical center and Hospital, Coimbatore is comparable to world standards.

    FAQ about liver transplantation 1What is the success rate of liver transplantation?Liver transplant patients have excellent outcomes. Recipients have been known to live a normal life even after 30 years after the operation.According to the American data one-year patient survival is 87% for patients receiving a deceased donor liver and 92% an organ from a living donor. Five-year graft and patient survivals are about 67% and 75-80% respectively. The one year and five year patient success rate at Kovai Medical center and Hospital, Coimbatore is comparable to world standards.It is important to note that these number represent ALL patients transplanted, including the very old, very young and those who were critically ill, hence the outcomes for stable patients would be better than the above figures.

    Transplant recipients directly contribute to the success of their transplant. Failure to regularly follow the doctor's advice regarding the post transplant medications and tests is the number one cause of transplanted organ's failure. Careful attention to medication schedules, lifestyle changes, infection-avoidance techniques are all important ways to improve the success of the transplantation.

  • Will the liver transplant recipient need to take medications after the surgery?

    Patients must take medications after a liver transplant: some to prevent rejection (immunosuppressants) , some to fight infection, and others to treat the side effects of the immunosuppressants. Patients returning home after transplantation will be taking approximately 7 or 8 different type of medicines initally. As the patient recover, dosages and number of medications keep getting are reduced over time. By the end of the year, it is common to be down to 1 or 2 medications and these medications need to be continued for the rest of their lives. It is vital that these medications are taken as prescribed, in the proper amounts and at the specified times.

  • What side effects can be expected from the medications prescribed after liver transplant?

    Many medications have side effects. Side effects typical with post-transplant medications include: elevated blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, elevated blood sugar, bone and muscle weakness, kidney dysfunction, Most of these problems are mild and easily controlled and often diminish over time as dosages are reduced.Although side effects can be troublesome, medications should never be discontinued without the advice of the transplant team.

  • Can I drink alcoholic beverages after liver transplant?

    No. Not only is alcohol toxic to the liver, it can also interfere with the metabolization of certain medications.